According to Macedonian Law the contract for sale does not need to be concluded in written form. Exception from this are the contracts for sale of immovables & contracts for sale where the sales price is to be paid in installments which must be concluded in written form.
The requirements about the legally required form of the contract apply also to all contract amendments.
When no official form is required by the law but parties have agreed the contract to be in written form, such contract can be cancelled or amended with a non formal agreement.
Contract which is not concluded in the form required by the law has no legal effect unless with the legal regulations is not foreseen something else.
Contract which is not concluded in the agreed form by the parties, has no legal effect in case when the parties have agreed that the contract shall be valid only if it is concluded in the agreed form.
Formal contracts can be cancelled with non formal agreement unless by law is regulated something else or when the aim for contract concluding in formal form requires the contract cancellation to be done in the same form.
Any contractual party may require from the other contractual party written confirmation for the contract which is concluded in oral form until the other party does not fulfill its contractual obligation.